Bat-Mite was a magical imp from another dimension who claimed to be Batman”™s biggest fan. He wore a suit inspired by his idol and loved to visit Gotham City to see the Caped Crusader in action. And the more action the better. If he thought Batman and Robin were succeeding too easily in their fight against crime, he used his … Read More
Comic Cards Project: Day 53 • Bizarro
Far off in the outer space of comic books, existed the whacky, cube-shaped planet known as Bizarro World. Inhabiting this cockeyed world were hordes of grotesque, imperfect imitations of Superman and Lois Lane created by a defective duplicator ray. These flawed replicas had limited intelligence and appeared to be formed out of white stone. Their behavior was governed by their Bizarro … Read More
Comic Cards Project: Day 52 • Aquagirl
In 1967, Aquaman was arguably at the height of his popularity—with both his own comic and Saturday morning cartoon. The character had recently gotten married and had a baby, so it probably seemed the next logical expansion of his supporting cast was to create a love interest for his sidekick Aqualad. Aquagirl was an orphan with a wild streak who came … Read More
Comic Cards Project: Day 51 • Robin
It”™s been a while, but I”™m ready to finish this series. First up: Robin! Batman”™s junior partner, Robin, has been around almost as long as the Caped Crusader. Introduced in 1940, just a year after Batman”™s debut, Robin was created to lighten the dark tone of Batman”™s stories and appeal to young readers. He was the first young sidekick of … Read More
Comic Cards Project: Day 30 • Lois Lane
In an era of comics defined by ridiculous, harebrained, what-were-they-thinking stories, Lois Lane wins the prize for off-the-chart silliness. In every issue of her own comic, she made a case for herself as the dopiest of Superman’s acquaintances. And that’s saying something when his best pal was Jimmy Olsen. Although billed as “Superman’s girlfriend”, Supes rarely acted as if he was … Read More
Comic Cards Project: Day 16 • Green Lantern
Green Lantern was the next character to get a reboot in the 60s following the success of the Flash. As Hal Jordan, he was a test pilot who’s boss was also his girlfriend, a somewhat progressive arrangement for the time. His young Inuit co-worker (with the un-PC nickname “Pieface”) served as a non-costumed sidekick who also knew Hal’s secret identity. Green Lantern’s … Read More
Comic Cards Project: Day 15 • Plastic Man
I originally encountered Plastic Man when he appeared as the first guest-star on the Saturday morning cartoon Super Friends. “What?!? You mean there are more heroes besides Batman and Robin, Superman, Wonder Woman, and Aquaman?” I remember thinking he was pretty cool and wishing I could see more of him. Actually, it would be indecent to see much more of … Read More